Heaven on Earth

By Apostle Tonya Surely, there hath been seasons in the Glory of our Holy Lord wherefore has been like a most glorious amusement park. And so, I pray thy Lord in His kindness may causeth each of you to experience it with me; glorifying our Blessed One in services and in the virtual teachings. IContinue reading “Heaven on Earth”

Healing the Soul in Prayer

By Apostle Tonya Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.  3 John 1:2 This past summer, during what would became a most intense season of spiritual warfare thy Blessed Master was faithful to remind me of dreams and visions which revealed its origin.Continue reading “Healing the Soul in Prayer”

In His Presence

by Apostle Tonya And His brightness was as the light; He had horns coming out of His Hand:  and there was the hiding of His power.  Habakkuk 3:4 There are times spent with thy Blessed Lord Jesus that has moved me to such tears of love for our Master; it eradicated most memories of aContinue reading “In His Presence”

Travailing in the Spirit

by Apostle Tonya Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer.  Psalm 4:1 Before thy Lord Jesus would release me to return to public ministry with the new ministry that He had given to me; the enemy’sContinue reading “Travailing in the Spirit”


Back in 2010, the Lord blessed me with an opportunity to serve Him as Editor-in-Chief of “Having Church for Women” magazine.  The print publication was the vision of publisher, Lue Ward.  Upon hearing his heart for the Lord’s Daughters in the magazine; I knew it was an assignment for me from the Lord.   AtContinue reading “Thankfulness”

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