Heaven on Earth

By Apostle Tonya Surely, there hath been seasons in the Glory of our Holy Lord wherefore has been like a most glorious amusement park. And so, I pray thy Lord in His kindness may causeth each of you to experience it with me; glorifying our Blessed One in services and in the virtual teachings. IContinue reading “Heaven on Earth”

Wonder & Glory

By Apostle Tonya Most surely, I never could have imagined our Holy Lord gifting me with a life serving Him wherefore would include my love of the English language; in books, prayers and teaching His most holy Word. And so, I am most thrilled for thy Lord’s kindness and generosity to bless me with theContinue reading “Wonder & Glory”

Seasons of Fasting and Prayer

By Apostle Tonya For quite some years, it was our Holy Father’s will to call me unto Himself for what I might suppose I expected to have been one-week of consecration while I was under the weather to accredit me to serve Him differently in ministry. Yet, it was our Lord’s will to keepth meContinue reading “Seasons of Fasting and Prayer”

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