Wonder & Glory

By Apostle Tonya Most surely, I never could have imagined our Holy Lord gifting me with a life serving Him wherefore would include my love of the English language; in books, prayers and teaching His most holy Word. And so, I am most thrilled for thy Lord’s kindness and generosity to bless me with theContinue reading “Wonder & Glory”

The Anointing Oil

By Apostle Tonya In the Holy Bible, we read of the magnificent history of our Blessed Master’s faithfulness and obedience to our most Holy Father and of our Lord’s fervency in prayer and supplications in His Earthly Ministry.  In the blessed Book of Hebrews, Chapter five, verses seven through eight it is recorded our EternalContinue reading “The Anointing Oil”

Healing the Soul in Prayer

By Apostle Tonya Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.  3 John 1:2 This past summer, during what would became a most intense season of spiritual warfare thy Blessed Master was faithful to remind me of dreams and visions which revealed its origin.Continue reading “Healing the Soul in Prayer”

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