It is Finished

By Apostle Tonya When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, He said, It is finished: and He bowed His Head, and gave up the ghost. John 19:30 Surely, I am most thankful for my salvation and Your blessed passion for us, Blessed Master. 2023 (c) Apostle Tonya. All Rights Reserved.

The Wisdom of an Ant

By Apostle Tonya What might I say about the blessedness of how the Eternal Spirit of God purposed to teacheth me of His ways with dreams and visions of an ant!   Perhaps, I might say, there was never a season wherefore I considered Christ’s Heart for an ant; until such the occasion of my orchidContinue reading “The Wisdom of an Ant”

Keep our Holy Lord’s Commandments and Live

By Apostle Tonya Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart. Proverbs 7:3 What blessedness is the purified soul of a young woman who hast been granted the honor of a mother-in-the-Lord’s teaching and guidance.  The mother of faith who hast taught the Daughter of Christ the Aseity of our HolyContinue reading “Keep our Holy Lord’s Commandments and Live”

Wonder & Glory

By Apostle Tonya Most surely, I never could have imagined our Holy Lord gifting me with a life serving Him wherefore would include my love of the English language; in books, prayers and teaching His most holy Word. And so, I am most thrilled for thy Lord’s kindness and generosity to bless me with theContinue reading “Wonder & Glory”

Happy New Year

By Apostle Tonya Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness. Psalm 65:11 May the Blessed Master causeth this blessed new year to be most fruitful for you and your families.  And may our Beloved One be most gracious to crownest it with His goodness, good health; and causeth your pathsContinue reading “Happy New Year”

The Blessedness of Prayer and Fasting

By Apostle Tonya Surely, as believers of Christ, we are most encouraged that throughout the Scriptures it records of the blessedness of prayer and consecrating.  And so, for thy Lord’s glory, I am most honored to answer your specific questions on fasting, and His blessed glory.   I might say, it was years before I enterethContinue reading “The Blessedness of Prayer and Fasting”

God’s Broken Heart

By Apostle Tonya On a recent occasion, I was led by the Blessed Holy Spirit to watch a succinct message on childhood trauma from a leader who consequently, I had never heard of before that time. Surely, I was most intrigued with the title of the message, and I anticipated perhaps receiving revelation from theContinue reading “God’s Broken Heart”

Do you Know, Jesus?

By Apostle Tonya Surely, the Dearest Holy Spirit hath been most kind to encourageth me about the ministry’s recent campaign launch, “Do You Know, Jesus?”  For ofttimes in the past two weeks He hath bestowed visions of the selfsame bell ringing and of the late Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke to revealeth to me precious souls hath beenContinue reading “Do you Know, Jesus?”

Morning Prayer

By Apostle Tonya Holy Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who dwellest between the cherubims, I serve with fear, and rejoice with trembling for Ye are most holy.    Eternal One, on this day that You hath made for Your glory; I arise to bless You for Your Son, Christ Jesus, the Word who became flesh; fullContinue reading “Morning Prayer”

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