TruPlay Biblical Games

By Apostle Tonya

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 3 John 1:4

Surely, I was most thrilled for the blessed honor to receiveth an invitation from the team at TruPlay to interview its president and CEO, Brent Dusing.  If you hath not yet heard of TruPlay, it is a most excellent company wherefore produces Biblical games for children ages four through twelve, (and parents) that are most pure and fun! 

Might you imagine how blessed it was to exalt Christ last December in a fun and delightful interview with our brother, Brent?  I may say, the interview was a most blessed time sharing the Heart of Christ about the beloved children TruPlay has been called to serve. Yet, the entirety of the audio recording of the interview was not produced in the excellence thy Lord hast commanded from this ministry.  Therefore, I have recorded the interview for print for your encouragement here on Heaven’s Pen and I shall release a most excellent succinct segment of the audio recording later on Holy Podcast. 

And so, I pray this interview will causeth you to desire to even sow an annual subscription of TruPlay games to a hurting child. Most particularly, I pray it shall be so after you hath read of the most fun and blessed game, Ava & The Mirror of Truth Amen.

Apostle Tonya:  Most surely, it is my honor to meet with you today to exalt our Blessed Master and speaketh about TruPlay! Let us begin with our first question, Brent, when did thy Lord giveth you the desire to create Biblical games and comics? 

Brent Dusing: My story is that when I came to Christ around 2002-2003 (that timeframe is kind of my journey), I grew up going to church but had alot of questions if you will, like: God exists? Heaven and hell? Those were some of the questions that were unresolved in my mind. I then went to this little Bible church in California where the pastor was very patient and answered my questions. And the other thing that got to me was the movie “The Passion of the Christ.” Many of you (listeners of “Holy Podcast”) have seen it and probably remember it, and what the movie stirred in me is that if you built Christian entertainment that is high-quality, beautiful, in excellence; but also, that adhere to God’s truth right to the foundations of the Bible, you can do something very special that can impact people for the rest of their lives; maybe generations. 

I grew up playing video games, and making games. Around 2010, my second company was a company to build video games like the game, “Journey of Jesus”. And if you’re listening, listener, you might have played some of those games on Facebook.  

Basically, with TruPlay, it started about two-years ago, where we said, Let’s build content where everything is fun, beautiful, excellent and people love, and everything we deliver to people is God’s truth. That’s really how we landed on TruPlay

Apostle Tonya:  Oh, that’s most wonderful! Yes, I do recall the movie, “The Passion of the Christ”. Now let us speaketh about Christ.  How did studying about Christ prepare you in prayer to serve children? 

Brent Dusing: That’s a great question. You know, I think there’s studying the Word of God, which helps alot; you learn and our minds are transformed.  

The culture and the world we live in is so different then the Bible says it should be. God’s plan for the world is not the way our culture and society are. Let’s be honest. Right? 

Apostle Tonya: Yes, it is not. 

Brent Dusing:  The best way to get a sense of what is God’s plan for the world should look like; you get from the Bible. God speaks to us in dreams and visions and in your mind and in your heart. Those things and my experience with Christ are a big part of that journey, as well as, in trying to pursue what is the Heart of God. What does God want for children? How does God want Himself to be represented? Those are the things we need to emphasize to children that I feel He wants them to know…and that plays out in the games we have.  

One of our games is a story called, “Ava & the Mirror of Truth.” This young girl, Ava goes on a journey; and it is a fun game of her with a slingshot and blowing up all these strongholds these bad guys have.  

What the game concept is really about is Ava getting bullied in school, and being lied about…and by the way, her parents are divorced. So, Ava has some trouble…she believes in God; but she has had some trouble. I’m sure some of your listeners can identify with this and how their childhood was.  

Ava’s journey is really about your identity. It is not what the world says you are; or what people say you are, or the enemy says you are. It is who God say you are. That’s your identity; that’s who you are!

In the world we live in children need to know their identity doesn’t come from the world; it comes from Christ. Children are not seeing God’s truth anywhere unless the parents are taking their children to Church. We have to bring it to them (the truth) at their fingertips; on screens. 

Apostle Tonya:  I agree that it is our responsibility to teach Christ in truth: a pure, holy, tender-hearted God who desires us to have entertainment for children that is pure, most holy and whereby Christ is glorified in.  

Consequently, I recently wrote about the history of Stained-Glass windows in thy Lord’s Church and your stained-glass windows game was most interesting to me.  Might you tell the parents how most fun the game “Stained Glass” is? 

Brent Dusing: Thanks for bringing up “Stained Glass”. “Stained Glass” is a game that for a while was the number one Christian game on the App store. It is a game where you match glass pieces. So, if you ever played “Royal Match”, “Candy Crush” or “Bejeweled Blitz”; (its like them) it’s a Match 3 game.  

By the way, our platform is used by kids, but it is also used by parents. “Stained Glass” is actually the game that most time is spent on our platform. It’s a Match 3 game; you collect stain glass pieces and as you do the matches; the stain glass window comes to life and a character from the Bible tells you a story.  

So, the first person to tell the story is Eve and she tells you what it was like to look God in the eyes and tell God you sinned. And she tells what was it like to leave the Garden and what was that experience like for her. 

Apostle Tonya: Oh, dear! 

Brent Dusing: The next story is Noah. And I think as Christians our experience with the Noah’s story is you don’t often hear it preached on the pulpit. It is usually told in children’s books or in Sunday School.   

Apostle Tonya:  I am a child at heart; and I shall play the games. Let me ask another question, how was it working with The Action Bible?  

Brent Dusing: The Action Bible has been a great partner of ours.  It is in my opinion one of the very best kids Bibles. They basically touch all the major stories, including Jeremiah and drew them in very high-quality comic book style. I read it to my kids for over a decade. We have The Action Bible comics digitized inside of the platform. And we have quite a few stories about Jesus! 

Apostle Tonya:  Oh, that’s most wonderful. Speaking about our Beloved Christ is there any particular game specifically about Him?  

Brent Dusing:  I appreciate the question. The short answer is we do have comics from The Action Bible that are all about Jesus.  

Apostle Tonya: Most glorious! Brent, it hath been most wonderful speaking to you today.  Might you have an encouraging word to giveth to parents? 

Brent Dusing: I want to say to parents that the TruPlay team are very experienced, professionals in technology gaming; but most of us are also parents. We’ve come to be of service to parents and families. And it is very hard to be a parent right know, right? I’m a parent; you cannot stand over your child’s shoulder every day and see what they are doing over their smart phones or on their tablet. We know there is so much toxic content, violence and inappropriate content for children. And no parent wants their kid to see that kind of stuff.  

So, my encouragement to parents is this, TruPlay understands you as a parent; because we are parents. And we’ve built something that is beautiful; that delivers God’s truth in a way that you’ve probably haven’t seen before in an engaging, and fun way.  

We tell you that God is not done with our children. I know it feels like we’re going to lose this generation; but that’s going to change. Because God is moving! God has a plan to rescue His Children!  

Apostle Tonya: Amen! Children are most special to thy Lord and also to this ministry. We must do more to distribute resources to the children; so, they may knowest of the Savior.  

And so, Brent, I want to thank you for this interview. I bless thy Lord for TruPlay and for placing your hands to the plow to serve children to ensure they know about the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.  

Brent Dusing: It’s an honor to be with you. I appreciate everything you are doing for the Kingdom, as well. We’re all in this together; which is God’s heart for children and our society.  

Brent Dusing, CEO and President of TruPlay

2024 (c) Apostle Tonya. All Rights Reserved.

Published by Apostle Tonya

A woman after God’s own heart, and servant of Christ Jesus who loves spending time with Him.

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